The Team

Katie has been building web apps for her entire career. She has an impressive knowledge of web development technologies, with a focus on the frontend.
Since 2016, Katie has been an active member of the Ember.js Framework core team. She created and maintains Say "Hi" on the Ember Community Discord to katie#7400.
Prior to returning to consulting, Katie served as the CTO of Funding Gates, a B2B SaaS startup. While there, Katie remedied a floundering app and built a remote, agile team to push the product forward.
Katie has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Stevens Institute of Technology.

Michelle is a web developer with nearly a decade of experience. She is passionate about writing readable, maintainable code using XP practices, and believes that effective communication is key to minimizing waste. She has spent the last several years doing freelance web and mobile development and prior to that spent several years at Cyrus Innovation, a boutique agile consulting firm.
Michelle received Bachelors and Masters degrees in Computer Science from New York University. In addition to programming and reading, she enjoys weightlifting and consuming vast quantities of ice cream.